Hello, good evening and welcome to the Uncivil Servant's Rant. My mission is to document the general bullshit that unfolds in your typical government office in what I hope is a humorous way.
About Me:
I'm an Executive Officer (EO) working in the Department of Squeaky Doors which is a large, very hierarchical government office.
I joined the civil service through the 2005 open EO competition. Having worked in the private sector (or "Real World" as I will now refer to it), studied at university to Masters level, tried - unsuccessfully - to restart my career in publishing, I decided to sell my soul to the public sector.
The public sector! The delicious spoils it promised; flexi-time, Christmas shopping leave, privelege days, increments, more clout when it came to getting a nice fat mortgage from my friendly loan shark, sorry, BANK, hour long tea breaks and lots of lovely artifical plants to brighten up the office. Ah yes, for these are the things for which I have pledged my soul to the dark side.
Like Doctor Faustus, however, I must pay the price, and the initial instalments are starting to kick in; general office bullshit, HEOs and the filthy four letter word - sorry - Acronym that is PMDS.
And so, in a typical civil service circumlocutionary manner, I have come back to the issue; what the Uncivil Servant's Rant is all about.
Right, first post done, I'm off to process some forms.